Monday, 13 September 2010

I'm going to Carolina in my mind!

We left Winston- Salem pretty late, after lots of talking and breakfasting and headed to the infamous Chapel Hill, home of none other than James Taylor!
We were warned that the college town was fairly fond of the colour, sky blue, but we didn't quite realise how much!
EVERYTHING in Chapel Hill is sky blue! The road signs, the firetrucks, the umbrellas, the jumpers, the Krispy Kreme workers uniforms....etc...etc..etc.. (I felt pretty out of place with my lime green umbrella!).
Every store sold UNC (University of North Carolina) t-shirts and books and sweaters and not much else! We didn't really understand this place that everybody told us to visit! It was full of cafes and blue!

We ventured a little out of town and found a few gems. The greatest second hand book store in the world, and a couple of shops selling nice arty things. Generally we weren't too impressed by our Chapel Hill shopping experience. I mean; it was nice and all, but was this really the place people had raved about?!

We headed to our couchsurf for the night and wondered what was in store. What we found was an amazing family who lived in an amazing location and did amazing things!

After driving down the gravel track, through the forest and foliage we came to a wonderful house! Our hosts, Kathy and Mike and their kids Carly and Skyler were waiting for us!
They are an amazing family of jugglers who have a 23 ft JUGGLING ROOM in their house!!
Both parents work for the government's environmental agency and were really interesting. Their house is full of wood burning stoves, interesting things, and juggling balls!

We'd been on the road for so long that we couldn't tell you what month we were in, nevermind the day or date, but our hosts informed us that we'd arrived on Rosh Hashana (Jewish New Year) and as they were Jewish, would we like to celebrate it with them?!
Well, what are the chances!? We settled down for some challah, apples and honey, and spaghetti (not an essential new year item) after eating some of Skyler's fried green tomatoes!

We spent the evening talking, comparing British and American words and phrasing, and chilling out with this pretty awesome family!

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