So, we've decided to add a new post for every day, as it breaks the reading down into bitesize chunks and makes it easier for us to know where we're going!
After leaving Toledo we headed West towards Chicago. We made good time until we got closer to the city and tried to locate Jasmine's house.
Unfortunately, Chicago is a city full of toll charges, high bridges, crazy drivers and police; and we managed to hit rush hour.
We ended up paying a ridiculous amount in toll charges, and drove across the skyway at least four times. After two run in's with Chicago police, and a lot of beeping and shouting, we decided to call Jasmine. We needed rescuing!
10 phone calls, and a lot of directions later, we met the lovely lady at a Walgreens (where we spent some time fawning over beautiful nail-varnishes).
Jasmine escorted us back to her house, we settled for a while, made some tea, talked to her lovely mother, and then we were off again for a night on the town!
This time we headed off in Jasmine's car, she took us on a tour of downtown, Buckingham fountain, and the general area, before taking us to Navy Pier.
We paid $25 for parking!! before taking a stroll along the pier. The views of the skyline from across Lake Michigan were spectacular, and we enjoyed a very sugary funnel cake while watching the crowds go by.
We headed off from Navy Pier, this time taking in the lit up views of night-time Chicago, to The Cheesecake Factory, where we, yet again, paid extortionate rates for car parking!
Let me tell you know that The Cheesecake Factory isn't actually a factory. It does, however, make exceptionally good cheesecake in a huge selection of mouthwatering flavours!
The building itself was pretty spectacular, and extremely hard to describe! Needless to say, it was very artistic!
The food was good, the company excellent, and the cheesecake? Not too cheesy, and very cakey!
We headed home via a midnight spree around Walmart, where we finally invested in a GPS!! (A wonderful idea, we highly recommend them!).
Now, I guess I know why people don't drive around Chicago! Beautiful weekend in NY and hopefully weather great there as well. Where are you off to next? xx Dodie