Sunday, 12 September 2010

Chattanooga Choo Choo, Cowboy Style!

We woke up vaguely early and Beth and Tom were having a yard sale, something we steered clear of, as getting involved would just mean buying more things we couldn't bring back to England!
The car was packed up, we said our farewells and we headed off to the Jack Daniels Distillery, in Lynchburg, Tennessee.

The wierd thing about Lynchburg is that it's a dry county.
You can't buy or drink alcohol there.
What a place to put a whiskey distillery!!!

We took the (free!) tour, which was actually really good! We had an awesome tour guide called Billy, who shared all his stories of English folk with us, and was pretty knowledgeable about the whiskey. He had a great beard too!
The tour lasted about an hour, there was just time for an ice cold lemonade before visiting the official store where you could buy bottles of whiskey for souvenir purposes only (because this made sense......).
We purchased a bottle of single barrel that was only sold in the distillery, no other place in the world(!).
From the distillery we headed into Lynchburg town, a place that at first glance looked pretty cool, but on further investigation turned out to be a bit of a tourist trap. It had the feel of what you imagine a southern town to have. Dusty, old, lots of bikers and accents. But full of overpriced items branded with the Jack Daniels logo. EVERYTHING you could possibly imagine branded with the Jack Daniels logo, and priced far too high.

We'd had enough of the town, so we set off for our second destination of the day, The Unclaimed Baggage Centre in Alabama. A place we'd been told a lot about, and we wanted to see what it could offer us!
Check this place out! There's only one in the world, and it's where all the..well...unclaimed baggage ends up, where it's sold for cheap prices in a sort of warehouse!
A lot of what's on sale is clothes, but there really are some crazy things you can buy. Tiffany jewellery, expensive perfume, designer clothes, video cameras, you name it, they sell it!
I walked away with a couple of Ipods, a 30gb for $45 (£29 ) and an old school 3gb Ipod for only $10! (£6.50). We made a few other purchases and headed out to Chattanooga, a place we only knew by song, who knew what we'd find there!?!?!

Well, we didn't find much. Chattanooga was full to the brim! A combination of it being Labour Day and a ball game, every hotel was packed out and the streets were wierdly empty.. we couldn't really afford the $170 for an awful outskirt hotel room, so we headed out of the silly city and went to seek our fortune elsewhere!

Cleveland was our next port of call, luckily there was room at the inn! We settled down for the evening and got us some sleep.

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