Monday 6 September 2010

BARBIE and Dinosaurs!

We decided to head to Denny's for breakfast.
Mum got her favourite cup of tea of the trip (so far)*

*Tea is a ridiculous theme of this trip, the Americans just don't seem to drink it. She's had many an arguement with Mcdonalds workers over milk, creamer, teabags, name it..she's argued it!

We ordered pancakes and breakfast things..and then grits.
Grits were on the menu, we'd heard of them but never tried them, and we didn't really have a clue what they were.
We asked the waitress to explained, but the best she could come up with was 'well, they're kinda gritty in your mouth'.
We had to try these things!!

Grits turned out to be a cross between oatmeal and rice pudding. They can be savoury or sweet, depending what you put in them. We poured in a jug of pancake syrup, but we still weren't sure.

Gabi took us to the Children's Museum for the day, which was great, as there were only about 10 children in the whole place! Definitely outnumbered by adults!!

It's a great museum, with fun exhibits on barbie, dinosaurs, rock 'n roll..etc.
It also had a lovely (?!?) section on 'Children who saved the world', which rolled in a couple of cases of casual racism (Nazi's and segregation)*
*With some very authentic shouts of 'go away, we don't want you here', and a ridiculous book entitled 'Crafty like a fox' (google it for pictures)
mixed in with a less-than-child-friendly true story about the first boy to die from AID's.


We took many pictures (which will be shown on facebook sometime soon, as the blog seems to have a problem with me uploading pictures onto it....probably has something to do with the poor internet connection in the hotels!) of us frolicing about, dressed as dinosaurs/rockstars/barbies.
We had quite a wonderful experience, but then it was time for 'The end of day parade!!!', where they ushered us out of the building with flags, a song, and an oversized dinosaur!!

We felt it was time for some shopping, so we visited the local mall for a bit of retail therapy.
We grabbed some amazing Japanese chicken on the way (chicken, chicken, chicken!!) and took a stroll around the stores.
I had my first Icee (yuk), and mum finally got herself a cup of coffee (which we made her leave outside when we visited yet another T J Maxx!).

After a busy day of reliving our youth we were ready for a night in, so we stocked up on Walmart (theme...) goodies and headed back to watch some awful old movies (which we fell asleep during).

1 comment:

  1. Laura your a vegetarian?!!! what is with all the chicken and beef?
